Heroes is an American science fiction serial drama television series created by Tim Kring, which premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006.[1] The series tells the stories of ordinary individuals who discover that they have superhuman abilities. It also explores how they adapt to the changes these abilities bring, and their roles in preventing catastrophes and saving humanity. The series emulates the aesthetic style and storytelling of American comic books, using short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc. Kring and the writers have an idea of where the series is heading for the first five seasons.[2] The series is produced by Universal Media Studios in association with Tailwind Productions,[3] and it is filmed primarily in Los Angeles, California.[4] The executive producers are Allan Arkush, Dennis Hammer, Greg Beeman and Tim Kring. Its incidental music is composed by Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman.
The first season attracted an average of 14.3 million viewers in the United States and received the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in five years.[5] The first season's run consisted of 23 episodes. The second season of Heroes premiered on September 24, 2007,[6] and attracted an average of 13.1 million viewers in the United States.[7] The second season was NBC's top series in adults 18-49,[8] the top Monday series on any network in adults 18-49[9] and the top scripted series on any network in adults 18-34.[10] 24 episodes were ordered for the second season,[11] but only eleven episodes were broadcast,[12] due to the 100 day strike by the Writers Guild of America.[13][14] The dispute has also led to the postponement of a six episode spin-off, Heroes: Origins, which was originally expected to air in April and May 2008.[15][16] On February 13, 2008 NBC announced that Heroes would return for its third season in the Fall of 2008.[17]
A digital-internet extension of the series was introduced on January 19, 2007 as Heroes 360 Experience, which explores the Heroes universe and provides clues to the show's mythology. It was rebranded as Heroes Evolutions at the beginning of the second season.[18] Heroes Evolutions also includes graphic novels, which have been released every Tuesday of the month since September 25, 2006, and were published by Wildstorm on November 7, 2007.[19] Other official Heroes media include magazines, action figures, tie-in and interactive websites, a mobile game, a novel, clothing and other merchandise.
Heroes has garnered a number of awards and nominations. On July 19, 2007 Heroes was nominated in eight categories at the 2007 Primetime Emmy awards, including Outstanding Drama Series and was also nominated for Best Television Series-Drama at the 2007 Golden Globes. The series won a People's Choice Award in 2007 in the category of Best New Drama and was named Program of the Year in 2007 by the Television Critics Association.[20] The series has also been nominated for a NAACP Image Award, WGA Award, and Satellite Award. The first season of Heroes was also a critical success.[21][20]
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